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Install Spotlight | 24 kW in Los Angeles

This recent installation is located in So Cal Edison territory- where rate structures are ever evolving. 


My customer wanted a way to reduce utility costs for his building so we designed a system to offset his annual usage.


He was able to take advantage of an Option R switch from So Cal Edison to reduce his rates and hedge against future increases.

Project cost: $ $77,376

Payback: 7 Years 

Contract Booked | 81 kW in Marin County

This green hotel in Marin County is looking to get even greener! In addition to adding renewable energy to their record, they will also be reducing their operating budget.

Even with limited roof space we're able to offset enough energy to qualify the customer for an Option R switch with PG&E.

Project cost: $$267,696

Payback: 5 years

Install Spotlight | 55 kW in Santa Clara

Running a manufacturing plant will run up your energy bills!


In order to grow his business, this customer needed to offset as much of his current energy usage as possible.


By addressing the majority of the energy load with solar it will allow him to qualify for less expensive rate tariffs with PG&E, even as his load increases in the future.

Project cost: $197,340

Payback: 4 years

To see more or discuss potential projects let's talk >>

Project | 01

Project | 02

Project | 03

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